Saturday, October 18, 2014

Diwali Is Here-Pollution Is Here

Every year in Diwali i notice one thing.
In schools all you can see are activities on "DO NOT BURN CRACKERS" or "POLLUTION IS BAD"
The activities are like making a poster or writing a paragraph. All of this is done to...For awareness But the irony (hope i am using irony right) here is that the same person who made a poster on burning crackers goes home and in the evening with his/her friends they burn crackers knowing that the earth is already not in a good condition while they go ahead and make it worse.Now to the kids reading this or to the adults or teens whoever you are you have seen kids running around having fun having no care in the world now you see the same kid near Diwali bursting crackers you think they're kids they'll learn so you don't say anything now the same kid is older around 12-13 you see him bursting another cracker you still don't say anything why? they are still smaller than you that makes them kids so you walk away. But instead of walking away if you go to that kid and tell him/her that they shouldn't do so they'll probably understand even though they may not stop suddenly they will try to stop, reduce it. And you know the amazing thing is they will stop sooner than you think so next time after 2 years when they are 14 you see them you would hear say how stupid is bursting crackers but well if you don't stop that kid that day when he was 12 when he is 16 you'll see him running around with a heap full of them. Now whats more crazy? Whats more Childish?
Diwali is a festival of lights by lights i mean LIGHTS NOT LIGHTS-CREATED-WHEN-YOU-BURN-CRACKERS!! The meaning of Diwali is gone from books from everywhere now this festival is all about Pollution the significance is gone. The meaning is Gone.
I am sad to see people older than me in 10th grade running around with those ridiculous Nazi Bombs and Aloo Bombs i am in 7th and i know this is bad you in 10th have heard this since you were in 5th you still haven't learnt anything?
During Diwali the pollution in the air rises up by 31% That's alot right? well think if this festival was celebrated worldwide i don't think earth would be a suitable place for human existence anymore.
I can debate more about this topic anywhere with anyone but i just need a few sensible people to side with me and trust me we can make earth better.
What is fun in burning crackers? In Making horrible annoying noises?
NOTHING! But it still is fun to the people burning that stuff. God knows why?

I WAS ONCE BURNT by a firecracker by accident of course and because of that crackers was a known thing now its gone from my world.I cook i am supposed to play with fire i do but during Diwali the fear comes in me again-Of being burnt-i become scared and fear becomes my friend.

Some people may know this but child labour is increased in factories to make all those crackers. Think about it all those kids kids smaller than you putting gunpowder into packets their hands all full of gunpowder and their whole body smudged in it.
Some kids die there, Some get sick.
Now is burning crackers still fun? 

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