Thursday, February 26, 2015

Escaping Depression & More

Hey Guys!
Its Anonymity Girl here.
Today we'll talk about " Escaping Depression"

Before we start I'd like to put this thing I wrote when I was really sad.

" And then in a flicker of an eye. Taking away all her happiness. She became someone she didn't want to. "

Hope you liked it! :)

Depression is not a casual thing. Its not a joke.
Its a serious mental problem.
People who make fun of people who are depressed don't know that they are only making it worse.
They don't know that this is not a light thing....

I dodged Depression... In fact I am every single day..

I am a very happy, bubbly, funny girl as people say, But none of them have actually seen what I actually am....

I go through a lot every single day. Everyday is a challenge to stay alive and fight the battle even if its me against thousands.

I nearly went into depression, But then I had my friends to make it all better for me.
Friends, They're something worth cherishing.

Sometimes I cry about the smallest of things. Today ,for example, I cried because I pushed one of my friends and of course he didn't react in a good way. I asked if something was wrong 'cause he is always cheery and well he wouldn't have reacted the way he did. He just screamed at me, Yelled at me. That made me feel sad, yet it was nothing to too big. I ran home and lying on the couch I cried, Even though I knew it was a stupid thing to cry about.

This is what depression did to me, If it wasn't had been for my friends I would have been everyday crying every single moment of my life.

I went into Depression because of Family problems, Friend problems...

I was, and still am, having a rough time in my house. Every other day I feel like I am complete BullShit that I am here for no reason, That I was a mistake.... That I am a mistake.

It bothers me very much that I cant be who my parents want me to be, But I've read enough books, enough articles to know you gotta do what you wanna do, cause in the end its your life...
But i just dont seem to get a hang of it.

Due to these problems with my family, my attitude is becoming worse towards them.

But I am still surviving, Cause that's what I know I'll have to do every single moment of my life, even after I grow up and become independent.Life is about making mistakes, But learning from those mistakes is also important..

To all the people going through hard times or thinking that you're depressed

" It'll be over with time, Until then you have to fight, Show the world you are no Loser, you are a fighter. It'll not always be like this, Everything changes with time. You just have to know that no matter what, Never give up 'Cause the day you do, You lose. You are in a fight with life it maybe winning now But you have to make sure that the last round, the most important round, is what you win, What you conquer. If you do that You win "

In the end I would like to finish by saying this:

" With time everything changes, Until then give it all you got and never lose hope "

* If you think this is not actually about depression:
I wrote this post to tell people it gets better, It'll never stay like that. Things change.
This is how I dodged Depression- Through writing, Dancing, Singing.
In the end because of my best friends who are always there to support me at the end of every single day.
& Yes i actually did escape depression, I just thought that I would talk about it in some other blog.
Hope you all understand *

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